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 mary's phone

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Mary L. Watson

Mary L. Watson

Messages : 38
Date d'inscription : 27/08/2009
Age : 29
Localisation : Dans mes rêves.

mary's phone Empty
MessageSujet: mary's phone   mary's phone EmptyJeu 3 Sep - 16:49

mary's phone Iphone10

    Fond d'écran.
    mary's phone Sans_t10

    Sonnerie appel.
    You walk and talk like you’re some new sensation
    You move in circles you don’t need an invitation
    You spent your money you can’t get no satisfaction
    You play it right so you can get the right reaction

    It won’t be long my darling,
    Pick up the phone, nobody’s on it.
    Where are your friends now, baby?
    Aren’t they the ones supposed to be there for

    You, you’re falling down, the world starts spinning round.
    You, you’re falling down, now which? look all around.
    You, you’re falling down, and you know I’ll be around.
    You’re falling down, falling down

    (Falling down, you’re falling down, falling down)

    Sonnerie message.
    Tell Me Something I Don't Know

    « Allô? Allôôooooo? Y a quelqu'un au bout du fil? ... Ah ah, je suis certaine que tu y as cru! Tu es bien sur le répondeur de Mary. Si ce que tu as à me dire est vraiment important laisse moi un petit message après le bip et je te rappellerais certainement. Bisouuus. »

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